My Spotify Wrapped Persona Is a 14-Year-Old Girl

When your Spotify account is hijacked by your teenage daughter

Jae L
4 min readDec 2, 2023
Photo by David Pupăză on Unsplash

It’s that time of the year again. The wave that brings supermarket Christmas puddings and creeping seasonal anxiety has delivered Spotify Wrapped 2023.

Faced with a 1.5 hour window of sleeplessness in the early hours of my southern hemisphere morning, I checked my email to find Spotify’s story of me and my year. I’m curious about myself, so I flicked through the colourful bouncy graphics to find out more.

I could not take my strained eyes off the technicolour multilayered sandwich that represented the 61 genres of my listening history. I made a mental note to Google look pov:indie. and Alt Z in the more respectable hours of the morning.

Back in the day, your best source of information about someone’s musical taste was the contents of their CD tower, or depending on their vintage, perhaps their cassette stash or even their vinyl collection. This screening of musical discernment as dating rite-of-passage was immortalised in the 1990s movie, Hi-Fidelity.

These days you can do your due diligence much earlier in the dating journey if a prospective interest has been savvy enough to link their dating profile to their Spotify account.



Jae L

Queer, neurodivergent and in the business of defying expectations. Doing my best to answer the questions I keep asking myself.